I have been working with Mark for several months now, as I’m a wheelchair user with Cerebral Palsy. This condition, amongst others, has affected my balance, coordination and muscular flexibility and Mark has shown me a range of strategies to help with this in life, nutrition, and fitness. More so, he takes the time to explain how my brain works in relation to movement and how to develop methods to improve my overall mobility. I have seen significant improvements, and he is the most effective and understanding coaching support I’ve ever received.
— Tom Fadden, 35

I am a fitness professional that found myself back to square one in terms of my own fitness after a difficult few years where I ended up burnt out, and diagnosed as autistic in my early 40s. When I first saw Mark he immediately noted my hypermobility and dyspraxia that no other coach, physiotherapist or chiropractor I had seen before had mentioned (and I had seen a lot). Mark has helped me feel confident and safe moving again, and this has honestly saved my career.
— Luna Rose, 44

The in-depth, evidence-based reasoning behind my plan, the way my muscles are now working and the way they’re not working as with the paralysis, as well as how I live my life are just some of the things he has taught me. I have found an incredible resource in Mark that I need in my life, heading into the future. Mark is proactive, truthful, objective, and articulate, and I couldn’t recommend him enough.
— Matt Hodgson, 36

Mark provides a consistent and focused approach coupled with a positive and supportive communication style, leading to effective management of my spinal and pelvic chronic pain. He is both understanding and directive, a complex teaching technique. He encourages and gives constant, insightful feedback.
— Jo, 55

When I was 37 my life was completely turned upside down due the start of a life changing brain disorder - Cerebellar Ataxia. It changed every single aspect of my life and I was advised I needed to keep as mobile as possible due to it being progressive. My journey with Mark started shortly after this within a fitness facility and he gave me regular support outside of that too. He understood how daunting the first step was going to be and filled me with enough confidence to begin taking my life back. By the time of my first session he was an expert and knew exactly where to start. As each session came and went, my self-confidence and self-belief increased far beyond any expectations I had, the belief Mark had in me gave me back the self confidence that was so quickly taken away when my condition hit. Five years on and many sessions later, I am in a better place mentally than I was before I met him as well as managing to physically halt a progressive disease.
— Chris Joy, 42

I came to Mark during my third pregnancy as I was suffering severely from chronic Pelvic Girdle Pain in my second trimester. During a consultation phone call, he was extremely knowledgeable and able to deduce the cause of the problem. He then put together a short, simple exercise regime, which easily fit in with my daily activities as a busy mum of two. Within a week my PGP had almost disappeared completely. After 2-3 weeks I was able to stop the exercises and continued the rest of my pregnancy pain-free. I’d highly recommend him to anyone.
— Jaimie, 30

I worked closely with Mark through 2021 and 2022 and forged a strong relationship with him both personally and professionally. From the start, it was plain to see that Mark was extremely knowledgeable and experienced when it came to how he trained his clients. I believe one of Mark’s strongest attributes is his ability to listen to and understand his clients, which not only puts them at ease but builds solid trust. His work with chronic illnesses is exemplary and his understanding of the health industry is vast and wide. As a fellow coach, I felt there was a lot I could learn from Mark in the way he interacted with his clients, and would often watch from a distance to understand how he was able to create such positive outcomes and results from such debilitating illnesses. Mark is quite literally one of the best health professionals I know.
— Matt Boulton, 26

Mark is a true asset and inspiration in his chosen field and ever-professional. Anyone with a disability or a chronic illness should opt in for the Spoonie Support Personal Coaching. It allows people with said disabilities and illnesses access to an ongoing structure of unique coaching that simply lead to an ongoing better way of life. He educates, nurtures and emboldens anyone looking to learn how to look after themselves and the illnesses they have. He shows genuine respect, empathy, care and support and continues to be a true credit to the field.
— Adam Cartwright, 40

I have been working with Mark as my personal trainer through the NHS and I couldn’t be happier with my progress. Mark has a unique ability to understand my aims and create customized structures to help me achieve them. His encouragement and motivation have kept me on track and I can already see the results all over my life. Not only is Mark knowledgeable about movement and nutrition, but he also has a great character – he always has a plan. He pushes me to reach new limits I didn’t know were there and also knows when to adjust when I need it. I would highly recommend Mark to anyone looking for a dedicated, supportive, and effective coach.
— Vince Aina, 41

I’ve been working with Mark for over 4 years so far, and he’s honestly given me my life back. I suffer from Cerebral Palsy, Rheumatoid & Osteoarthritis, ME, Type 2 Diabetes, and a number of other things - I need frequent care in my home. Mark has gotten me to the point where I’ve been able to reduce my care hours per week from 36 to 16, and that’s because I’m able to move more, do more, and live a better life. What he does is such a needed service, but the way he does it means anyone can change their lives, no matter how dire their circumstances are. I can’t thank him enough.
— Robert Sharp, 54

I’ve had Fibromyalgia for the last 20 years, but was only diagnosed 4 years ago. Mark was the first health professional that legitimately listened to my story in its entirety, understood a huge amount of the experiences involved, AND continues to provide new ways to manage it. My pain has reduced by at least 50% in 12 months, which just gives me the space I need to enjoy things more. He gives me hope and the actual belief that one day I might be completely pain-free. Last year, that wasn’t even on the table.
— Deborah, 52

I wish more people understood how debilitating chronic fatigue is. It isn’t just being tired. When I met Mark, he took it so seriously that I almost couldn’t believe it. On top of that, he knew the mental toll it took too and that’s something I never speak about because most people stop listening after the fatigue part. I went on a weekend break by myself for the first time in 3 years because Mark taught me how to manage it all, and begin taking my life back one step at a time. I can’t recommend him enough to any fellow Spoonies.
— Ali, 32

I came to Mark with knee pain that had persisted for over 5 years, after I’d been to various physios and chiros. Simply put, it had gone after 4 weeks from what Mark showed me, and other joints hurt less too. Magic man I swear.
— Robbie Hall, 51

I was a very apprehensive 74 year old starting exercise for Osteoporosis, Parkinson’s disease and Anxiety. Mark was my coach and somehow, I ended up looking forward to each session. I was absolutely sceptical. Of course I was. Every pathway I was put on, by figures in authority, led me to be worse off. But Mark didn’t put me on a pathway, he simply listened and that was new for me. He was welcoming, friendly and extremely patient, as well as having a wealth of knowledge and experience to tap into. My mobility has gone through the roof, my stamina and balance has improved over just a few months, but better yet my anxiety about my conditions has gotten better too – and that was a surprise. I generally feel much happier and intend to get more so, thank you Mark.
— Carys Shaw, 72