Mark listens to everything, everything. And then he bounces into our next session with a terrifyingly long list of approaches I’d just not even thought of before.
— Raffaele, 51.


Spoonie Support, is an ongoing coaching service designed to provide consistent and thorough support for individuals with disabilities, neurodivergence, and chronic illness, particularly chronic pain and fatigue. The service blends every component of life together in order to create unique and inexhaustive strategies to manage, control, and even suppress a varying list of symptoms. Because of this, Spoonie Support is not limited by any factor when it comes to achieving a better quality of life in the areas concerned. Every single Spoonie Support programme is individually tailored, developed, and adapted for each individual, because everyone experiences different conditions, different symptoms, different circumstances, at different times, at different intensities, and in different ways. Spoonie Support seeks to create multi-faceted approaches to contain the multi-dimensional nature of many of the problems surrounding chronic illness and how they impact an individual's everyday life. Once they are contained, management strategies are then developed to manage the circumstances long-term, and eventually, indefinitely. This means life can become controllable once again, in the home, in the workplace, and in the world.



Every strategy, programme, or idea that is put in place will be entirely unique to you, your circumstances, and your needs. Everything about the way SSPC works is individual, and no two individuals are the same - especially when it comes to chronic illness and chronic pain. You won't find an approach like this anywhere or the results.


Spoonie Support is a consistent concept and so if consistency is adhered to, you will see results after the first cycle. This is the guarantee I offer. When multiple approaches and strategies are put in place, that work around and within your unique way of living, your symptoms will recede and your illnesses will become manageable over time.


We are all learning new things every day and the field of chronic illness and chronic pain is no different. You will learn things about your chronic illnesses and chronic pain that you may not have known, which perhaps will then be used later on to further your experience in suppressing your symptoms.


Spoonie Support is designed to be an ongoing support system that is with you every week, every month, and month by month. That consistent support and coaching will lead to consistent results in the form of your quality of life improving, and your symptoms slowly receding to a point where you can continuously keep them at bay for as long as you want to.



Initially, I retrieve as much data from you as possible via an informal consultation. Then, we assess this individual data together, turning over every stone to identify every single issue, concern, and barrier at that moment in time.


Through regular 1-1, 60-minute sessions, we develop early strategies designed to alter negative habits and behaviors into beneficial ones without impacting daily life. This is where we build the earliest foundations, and consider the basics of daily life.


We always review the process and discuss any progress, changes, and potential adaptations that can be made. Chronic illness is fluid and any factor can change its effect on the human body. This must be taken into account regularly.


We are always able to implement new strategies if and when needed to keep the process from becoming less effective. As an illness changes or morphs, so must you. Maintaining management of old issues, as well as adapting to new ones, is an ongoing journey but will most certainly progress to the gradual suppression of your symptoms.



  • Spoonie Support costs are negotiated by consultation only. This is because each individual case, as well as the circumstances, can be entirely different from the next. The price of the structure is negotiated based on workload, coaching time, and out-of-hours research prior to any session, as well as any additional packages & bolt-ons requested E.g. PIP support, Access To Work Support, DLA support, Universal Credit Assistance etc.


  • All payments are taken on the 1st of the month and are non-refundable. However, in extreme and extenuating circumstances, full and partial refunds may be negotiated at the discretion of your coach.

  • All sessions will have a designated start and end time. If circumstances mean you are late to a session, the session will still end at the designated time due to other appointments.

  • If a session must be rescheduled, please contact me at least one hour beforehand. That session must then be rescheduled by the end of that week or it is forfeit.

  • All participants must be over the age of 18 without consent, and if under 18 consent is required as well as parent/guardian presence during sessions - this is non-negotiable.

  • You can opt out of SSPC at the end of any month and are not tied to any contract. If you do not attend any further sessions and do not reschedule as stated above, those sessions will also be considered forfeit.

  • Your personal data will not be shared with any third-party source or organization and is subject to GDPR data storage guidelines and protections.

  • If at any point your personal, mental and/or medical circumstances change, you MUST notify me as your coach at your earliest convenience. All data must be accurate and current to you.

  • Results will differ with different individuals. Results also depend heavily on individual action and the effort placed in the strategies in place to affect positive change.

  • As your coach, I reserve the right to terminate any SS programme at my discretion if I deem the circumstances surrounding the case to be inappropriate, outside of my expertise, or any other justification I feel is relevant to the programme.