An adventure with one of the worst-made wheelchairs I’ve ever had the pleasure of pushing.

Hi, I’m Mark!

A 30-year-old British coach and support worker specializing in Chronic Illness with over a decade’s experience. Welcome to Spoonie Support, the brainchild of over seven years’ of struggle trying to get my life partner an official Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome diagnosis. Watching her be medically gaslit, failed by multiple doctors, and placed on treatment plans that were nothing but a one-size-fits-all band-aid for an otherwise untreated bullet wound had me both frustrated and at my wit’s end for years, unable to help someone who meant so much to me.

The utterly unique combination of multi-systemic disorders that occurred in this situation, where many conditions and symptoms become a tangle of life-changing problems in one individual- became quickly overwhelming and barely manageable. This isn’t even an unusual story, and because of how many times I’ve heard something similar when working with referral patients across several institutions, I decided I’d had enough.

Spoonie Support is all about customizing multi-faceted holistic, lifestyle, and mental health planning and strategies into your everyday life, one step at a time, with consistent guidance and support from someone who is invested in your journey from beginning to end.

That brings me to here, right now, talking to you. Someone who no doubt needs help, and who has been frustrated by the lack of options for circumstances that seem so unique and unmanageable in this moment that you don’t know what to do anymore. Hope is never lost, and today can definitely be the start of taking back your power over the chronic illnesses and disabilities which may have loomed large for far too long.

I could give you a list of things I can do to help, but honestly, helping anyone with chronic pain and invisible illness is as unique as they are. I won’t insult you by pretending that without knowing more details, I can give you a list of things that will help. That isn’t what Spoonie Support is about. I intend to listen to your every concern, your every symptom, and then put in hours of research on your condition so that when I come back to you, I have a real tailored plan that’s specific for you and your circumstances. No gimmicks. No copy and paste. A strategy we will implement and tweak together, made just for you, to work in your life, in a way that you can manage and make sustainable.

Get in contact, and let’s get started.

I was absolutely sceptical. Of course I was. Every pathway I was put on, by figures in authority, led me to be worse off. But Mark didn’t put me on a pathway, he simply listened and that was new for me.
— Carys Shaw, 72