Access To Work Support

ATW support work is extremely personal, and vastly differs from case to case. However, examples of commonly utilised types of support include but are not limited to mental health support, organisational and administrative help, and PA duties required to help individuals manage their day to day lives at and around work.

What Is Access To Work (ATW)?

Access to Work can help you get or stay in work if you have a physical or mental health condition or disability and are a UK citizen over the age of 18.

The support you get will depend on your needs.

Through Access to Work, you can apply for:

  • A grant to help pay for practical support with your work

  • Support with managing your mental health at work

  • Money to pay for communication support at job interviews

  • Specialist equipment and assistive software

  • Support workers, like a BSL interpreter, a job coach or a travel buddy

  • Costs of travelling to work, if you cannot use public transport

  • Adaptations to your vehicle so you can get to work

  • Physical changes to your workplace. (Your workplace can include your home if you work from there some or all of the time.)

    It does not matter how much you earn or if you are self-employed. If you get an Access to Work grant, it will not affect any other benefits you get and you will not have to pay it back. You or your employer may need to pay some costs up front and claim them back later.


Support Work With Spoonie Support

Spoonie Support is happy to accept enquiries about both Support Work and Coaching for clients who have already secured funding via ATW, or talk you through the general process around eligibility and securing funding for either. Spoonie Support is also proud to work in collaboration with This Is Me - an agency specialising in securing ATW funding individuals, and who can provide more specific advice and information about the process of applying and obtaining your funding.

Due to the individual and specific nature of each and every client with ATW funding, no two support work or coaching plans with Spoonie Support are the same, and can be tailored precisely to utilise your funding in the most efficient and effective way possible for you as a unique individual.