Book A One Time Consultation

What are one off consultations?

Got a single issue you need help with? In a flare and just need some fast one to one support without any strings? One time consultations are perfect for people who aren’t looking for anything long term but still want to benefit from my expertise in specific symptoms of chronic illness. This sixty minute session can give you the tools you’re looking for and open the door to fast and effective relief. These sessions usually take place online via zoom or similar, unless you are local and would rather meet in person.

What Kind Of Problems Are Best Addressed In These Sessions?

One time consultations are best for a specific and pressing issue you’d like to solve fast. If you come to one of these sessions with fifteen symptoms then obviously there is a limit to what I can do to help in just one hour. However, a single complaint that you’d like advice or tools on managing is perfect for these 60 minute consultations!

Examples of this might include:

  • Short Term Flare Recovery.

  • Injury.

  • Management of a single symptom.

  • Advice on getting a diagnosis/benefit eligibility etc.

Unfortunately, issues such as chronic anxiety, depression, or other complex mental health issues are unlikely to be improved by these one off sessions, and are better suited to the long term coaching and support that I provide. If you’re unsure whether you’d benefit from a singular consult or a long term coaching plan, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Can I use these sessions as a taster for your long term packages?

Of course! If you’re unsure that I’m the right coach/support for you then I’d definitely advise trying out a one hour consultation to make sure that we are the best fit. This kind of work is so personal, it’s important you feel comfortable with me and the way I do things.