Mark Cundle Mark Cundle

Ever Heard of CRPS?

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is an umbrella term describing short and long-term chronic pain, usually after an injury or due to other conditions. It tends to crop up around the time of middle age and is generally more common in females – but it’s still pretty rare. I haven’t met many people who know what it is, let alone how severe it can be!

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Mark Cundle Mark Cundle

What is Generalised Anxiety Disorder?

Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is a type of anxiety disorder that causes a consistent state of anxiousness and worry, even when there is no direct or clear cause for it. Around 1 in 25-28 people in UK have GAD, with likely many more showing one or more symptoms, and in the US around 3% of the adult population have GAD also. But before we go into detail about GAD, what is Anxiety?

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